Discover GC's advanced approach to preventive dentistry and minimally invasive root caries treatment, designed to empower dental professionals with innovative solutions. From Fuji TRIAGE™ for erosion management to EQUIA forte™ HT for superior caries protection, GC’s products can heighten your preventive dentistry capabilities. GC TriPlaque ID Gel™ enhances patient education by optimising brushing techniques, while GC MI Paste Plus™ and MI Varnish™ fortify enamel and tackle sensitivity with targeted fluoride treatment. Elevate your practice with our comprehensive solutions, rooted in innovation and excellence.
Restoration of root caries lesions with Fuji Triage, followed by MI Varnish application
Courtesy Prof Matteo Basso, Italy
A simple definition of CAD/CAM dentistry is the use of digital software to design and manufacture dental restorations and prostheses. CAD stands for computer-aided design and CAM stands for computer-aided manufacturing. The technology can be used to create crowns, dentures, inlays, onlays, bridges and veneers among other things. The speed of the CAD/CAM process allows for dental prosthetics to be designed, manufactured and delivered to the patient in quick time, sometimes the same day. The wider system of using computer assisted technologies to produce restorations is known as CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics).
Cervical restoration with EQUIA Forte HT
Courtesy Dr Javier Tapia Guadix, Spain
With a growing elderly population, dentate older adults face unique challenges, particularly concerning root caries. Safeguarding roots involves early detection, identification of risk factors, and proactive measures in prevention or restoration. Opt for minimally invasive methods to ensure Courtesy Wim Klüter, The Netherlands adequate protection, minimising the risk of recurrence.
Tailoring treatment for older individuals is crucial. The schedule below will help you choose the intervention needed for an individual patient. It highlights GC products tailored for each personalised treatment plan.
Leveraging the GC Tri Plaque ID Gel identification tool will aid you in pinpointing cariogenic plaque. Showing the results can motivate patients, and help communicate straightforward, easy-to understand feedback to patients and caregivers to help optimise their brushing technique.
A simple definition of CAD/CAM dentistry is the use of digital software to design and manufacture dental restorations and prostheses. CAD stands for computer-aided design and CAM stands for computer-aided manufacturing. The technology can be used to create crowns, dentures, inlays, onlays, bridges and veneers among other things. The speed of the CAD/CAM process allows for dental prosthetics to be designed, manufactured and delivered to the patient in quick time, sometimes the same day. The wider system of using computer assisted technologies to produce restorations is known as CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics).
Chronic dry mouth, a common issue in older individuals, has a range of causes and impacts salivary function. Saliva-Check BUFFER can discover underlying factors disrupting oral balance and contributing to demineralisation in just 5 simple steps.
The fluoride and amorphous calcium phosphate in saliva foster a conducive environment for tissue remineralisation.
Home-based topical fluoride is essential, complemented by routine professional fluoride varnish applications. Incorporating bio-available calcium phosphates as an adjunct supports tooth repair and has demonstrated notable success in reducing hypersensitivity.
Restoration alone doesn't eliminate the lesion's cause, making preventive strategies essential for halting progression.